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Resources for New Yorkers

Call 311 and select your native language to make an appointment.

What is the Difference Between Latent TB Infection & TB Disease?

NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Bureau of TB Control

Learn about the two stages of TB.

Are You at Risk?

NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Bureau of TB Control

Find out if you are at risk by taking the NYC Department of Health's TB risk assessment. 

If you Have the Signs, Get a TB Test!

NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Bureau of TB Control

Educate on the signs of TB.

Tuberculosis Testing, Treatment and Prevention Facts

NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Bureau of TB Control

Learn more about TB testing, treatment and prevention.

Latent TB Infection Detailing Kit

NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene: Bureau of TB Control

This toolkit contains provider and patient resources to help health care providers identify, test for and treat latent tuberculosis infection and prevent active tuberculosis disease.

New York City Chest Center Clinics

The Health Department Chest Centers provide free evaluation and treatment for Tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis services are always free to the patient, regardless of insurance or immigration status.

4 - 7 - 8 Breath Relaxation Exercise

A TB journey may elicit many emotions - utilize this breathing technique to achieve general relaxation and to manage stress during your TB journey, or during day-to-day life. 

Coalition for a TB-Free NYC Educational Materials

Coming soon!

The Coalition for a TB-Free NYC has formed an educational materials sub-group to adapt previously developed materials from all over the world, specifically focusing on materials with pictorial illustrations to overcome language barriers. 

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