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About the Coalition for a Tuberculosis-Free NYC

The Coalition for a TB-Free NYC aims to prevent and eliminate TB in NYC through community engagement, public-private partnership, and innovation & research. The Coalition unites various stakeholders across traditional and non-traditional industries, disciplines, and care levels to develop, implement, and evaluate a strategic plan to eliminate TB in NYC. The Coalition’s work will be guided by a patient-centered, human rights-, social justice-approach.


The Coalition for a TB-Free NYC meets Quarterly on Friday afternoons to learn, share information and resources, and identify TB-related needs in the community. Workgroups and initiatives are developed to create and implement interventions to meet those needs identified by the community.

Tuberculosis in NYC

Tuberculosis (TB) remains the leading infectious disease killer worldwide. In New York City (NYC), despite numerous clinical and public health interventions over the last two decades, the rate of decline in TB incidence has plateaued (lower than the worldwide rate, but over twice the national TB case rate). 

TB in NYC infographic 2023_edited.jpg


The Coalition for a TB-Free NYC brings together local and state health departments, health care providers, and community organizations.

Group Meeting


Workgroups and initiatives are developed to create and implement interventions to meet TB-related needs identified by the Coalition and their communities.

Image by You X Ventures
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