December 2021 Coalition Meeting
Meeting Highlights ​​
25 partners attended our virtual quarterly Coalition meeting held on December 3, 2021.
The NYC Health Department gave an overview of the LTBI Detailing Kit that will be completed in the Spring of 2022. The LTBI Detailing Kit contains clinical tools, provider resources, and patient education materials to promote evidence-based best practices recommended by the NYC Health Department. During the meeting, we reviewed the TB Testing flow chart and received a lot of helpful feedback in regards to its content and design.
If you are interested in reviewing other clinical documents from the LTBI Detailing Kit, please let us know by emailing us at We will convene a separate group to review the other provider focused documents and will reach out with a few potential dates and times to virtually meet. ​
The NYC Health Department announced the date of the 2022 NYC World TB Day Conference: Reimagining TB Elimination: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic, March 18, 2022, from 12 – 4 PM in your calendar. The conference will be held virtually–register HERE or by clicking image below.