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Statement on Rescheduled Coalition Meeting: 6/19/2020 

Dear Colleague,


We will be postponing tomorrow’s virtual Coalition for a TB Free NYC meeting to next Friday, June 26th in honor of Juneteenth. The Coalition stands with the NYC Department of Health as we take a pause to reflect on Juneteenth, an annually recognized commemoration of the end of slavery. This year’s commemoration is particularly significant as the pandemic and horrific murder of George Floyd and other Black Americans bring into stark relief long-standing health disparities and structural racism.


As TB advocates, we all understand how health inequities and racism contribute to higher rates of TB among Black, Latinx, and Asian communities. As a Coalition, we will look deeper into the structural factors that negatively impact the health of the communities we serve and work together to dismantle these inequitable and harmful forces.


We hope you will be able to join us next Friday, June 26. 


In Solidarity,

The TB Coalition Planning Team


Published 6/18/2020

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